Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baby Momma

Pregnancy was not really my friend.  I don't regret a minute of it, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I am planning on doing it all again. I, however, was miserable. My blood pressure started a steady climb around 26 weeks.  I was swollen and uncomfortable.  At my 28 week check up, my blood pressure was 146/95. I was sent to L & D for monitoring and I did my first 24 hour urine catch.  My blood pressure settled back down and my 24 hour came back with numbers in normal range.  At my next appointment, my ob had concerns about how low baby girl was sitting.  She told me when I started feeling pressure that I needed to sit and put my feet up.  My next appointment was relatively normal, but my 34 week check up resulted in another high blood pressure, another trip to L&D, another 24 hour urine, and an overnight stay in the hospital for monitoring. This time I was sent home on bed rest. I was super bummed.  I hated to start my FMLA leave because I wanted to use every possible minute of it to stay home with baby girl.  I started going to the ob for 2x weekly NSTs and 1x weekly AFIs.   On Tuesday, Sept 27,  my AFI came back with very borderline fluid levels and I was supposed to have another AFI on Friday.  My ob wanted to hold off until 37 weeks to deliver baby girl, but it was right around the corner.  When I got to my ob appointment on Friday, my blood pressure was 167/110 and I was placed on hospital bed rest.  The husband and I spent the weekend in the hospital, and while we were there we had to make some choices about how we wanted baby girl to make her appearance.  My ob was concerned about attempting induction because I was not having contractions, I wasn't dilated at all, and apparently I have narrow pelvic bones.  Unfortunately, my ob was not on call over the weekend.  Another doctor from the practice came in to talk to me about induction vs. Csection.  While she provided me with lots of information about the procedures, she was overall very unhelpful regarding which direction she thought I should take.  In addition, I didn't feel fully supported when I opted for a c section.  I felt rushed through my visits with providers in the hospital, and I was very frustrated by the care I received.  In addition, following delivery I was placed on blood pressure medications with no explanation as to why when my pressure was on the way down.  When I asked another provider, she told me she thought I had chronic hypertension instead of PIH.  My discharge instructions were poor, and I Will not be using this ob office again.

On the upside, at 5:23 P.M. On Monday, October 3rd, my husband and I finally got to meet our beautiful, amazing baby girl.  She was born at 37 weeks gestation and weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 19 inches long.  I have never been so in love.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 15: In Pictures

I really felt like I related to the naval orange.  I’m not sure why.  As always, images courtesy of Google and the Huggies AU website.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 14: Lemon

Symptoms?: I greeted 14 weeks by projectile vomiting in my kitchen. Other than that, just queasy and my food aversions are getting worse.
Weight gain?: +1, I guess I can contribute those other pounds to bloat….I’m not arguing.
Movement?: Nope :(
Stretch marks?: Not fresh.
Best thing that happened this week?: Just knocking days down off the list.
Any baby-related purchases this week?: All my baby related purchases went to my BFF this week. Her baby’s due at the end of May.
Milestones reached?: Isn’t every day a milestone? But hello, officially trimester 2.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Doctor's Update

My doctor’s appointment today was great. I saw a different doctor in the practice, and I think that I might like her better than my doctor. We’ll see what happens. Baby looked good (we had a mini-ultrasound with a portable device) and HB was 149! Perfect :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Great Debate: Pink or Blue

This information was copied directly from the fine people at It’s information about old wives tales. I’m getting antsy about gender, so I’ve been doing some research. I’ve learned that not even the old wives tales are consistent.
* If your left breast is bigger than the right during pregnancy, you’re having a girl. If the right is bigger, it’ll be a boy. If they are the same size, you’re in for a surprise!
* If you get moody during pregnancy you are more likely to have a girl. This is because all women are moody, and when carrying a girl you become doubly so.
* If you carry the baby out front (others can’t see your pregnancy from behind) then you will have a boy. If others can tell that you are pregnant when looking at you from behind, then you will have a girl.
* Have the mum-to-be pick up a key. If she picks it up by the round end, it will be a boy. If she picks it up by the long end, it will be a girl. Should she pick it up at the middle, twins are on the way.
* If the mother’s age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, the baby is a girl. If one is even and one is odd, the baby is a boy.
* Ask the mum-to-be to pick a number. Match the number with the corresponding letter of the alphabet (A=1, B=2 etc). Then ask her to choose a name beginning with that letter. If she chooses a boys name, it will be a boy. If she chooses a girls name, it will be a girl.
* Hang a gold pendant (preferably one the mother wears often) over the palm of the mother’s hand. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, it will be a girl. If it swings back and forth, a boy is on the way.
* If the mum-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was conceived, it will be a boy. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a girl.
* If you suffer from acne during pregnancy, you will have a girl.
* What side does the mum-to-be lay on while she’s resting? If she lies on her left, it’s a boy; on her right, it’s a girl.
* If young boys (pre-school age) show interest in you while you’re pregnant, it will be a girl. If they ignore you, expect a boy.
* Ask the mum-to-be to show you her hands. If she shows them palms up, it’s a girl; palms down, a boy.
* If you dream of girls, you will have a boy. If you dream of boys, you will have a girl.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 13: Peach

I’m calling 2nd Trimester on Thursday at 13 weeks 3 days. I’m EXCITED.
Symptoms?: I’m crying at the drop of the hat. I lost my phone at a concert Saturday night. When I realized I lost it, I went to lost and found and they repetitively told me that they would call me when it was recovered. Apparently, I was the only one involved who realized how idiotic this statement was, and I really wanted to punch the customer service rep in the face. ANyways, I cried and cried about this dumb interaction that I had. The woman sitting next to us at the concert, who I had never met before, continually asked me if I was ok, and I kept telling her I was fine. Finally, she looks at me and says, “You know, fine is code word for emotional and neurotic right.”
Thanks woman. You just made my night. Other than that, I’m still exhausted and still nauseated. It is improving.
Weight gain?: +3 and holding
Movement?: Nope :(
Stretch marks?: Not fresh.
Best thing that happened this week?: Just knocking days down off the list.
Any baby-related purchases this week?: I’ve always loved kids books anyways, but I bought some books at a book fair at work.

Milestones reached?: A day without zofran, but I’ve been queasy all day.

As always, photos courtesy of google images and the huggies website.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 12

Symptoms?: MORE nausea. Isn’t this supposed to be getting better?? I threw up yesterday morning :( I’m exhausted, and this pregnancy brain thing is about to win the battle. I’m also SUPER ADD.
Weight gain?: +3
Movement?: Nope :(
Stretch marks?: Not fresh.
Best thing that happened this week?: We got our first baby gifts! We got some onesies from my momma, and DH’s co-worker gave us a bag of 9 gifts. One for each month. So far, it was a medicine dispenser set and some snack catcher cups, and then a baby proofing kit. Pretty bad ass. .
Any baby-related purchases this week?: We bought a solid white pack of onesies off the clearance rack at target.
Milestones reached?: Baby is the size of a plum!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Holy Canoli: I can't believe it's Week 11

Even though I have felt crummy, time is flying by. I don’t want you guys to think I’m ungrateful, I know that it could have been so much worse, and for that I am so thankful. I’m also getting really excited. This feels legit, and amazing. I’m definitely praying for no complications! This week baby is….
the size of a lime! As always, the fruit picture is courtesy of Google Images.
Symptoms?: I’ve had an increased queasy feeling. Increased food aversions. My left arm keeps falling asleep.
Weight gain?: I can’t handle this discussion today.
Movement?: Definitely not :(
Stretch marks?: Not fresh.
Best thing that happened this week?: First OB appt and we saw the parasite. It was amazing.
Any baby-related purchases this week?: Nope
Milestones reached?: I think baby is officially a fetus :)
According to the huggies website, baby looks like this.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 9: Grape

Filed under: knocked up — Lauren @ 12:18 pm Edit This

Remember that post about BIONIC FATIGUE? You’ll have to excuse my pitiful attempt at blogging this week.
And for those of us who can’t participate……..

Once again, the images above are courtesy of Google Images.
This week, the baby kind of looks like this….

And this picture is courtesy of the huggies website.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 8: Raspberry

Baby Size: Raspberry
How far along? 8 Weeks!
Weight gain/loss: Some days it’s like +1 and some days it’s + 4.
Maternity clothes? No, but I love my scrubs. I did buy a maternity dress to wear to a wedding in a few weeks. I didn’t know what the status of my bump would be by then.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I’m sleeping, I just feel like no matter what I do, it’s not enough sleep. Refer to bionic fatigue.
Best moment this week? Not baby related at all, but we found an amazing dining room table this week.
Food cravings: Chinese food, and I had it for dinner tonight.
Gender: Boy…or girl…..
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? no
What I miss? Still beer…and right now, I am fiending for a diet coke.
What I’m looking forward to: Still looking forward to my first appointment. It got moved :(
Symptoms: During week 7, I started getting really nauseated and carsick. I’ve never been car sick in my life. Yesterday, I almost lost control of my nausea, which being a total control freak, I’m not really ok with. Side notes: I haven’t been telling you guys that the amazing in utero/baby belly pictures are coming from this website. All of the fruit images have been retrieved from google images. I’m not trying to take credit for stuff I didn’t come up with. And really, who can say no to a raspberry AND a turtle?

Week 7: Blueberry

I want to summarize why I missed week 7 with a quote from this book. This quote is from 7 weeks, 5 days:

To Do List
Look up “bionic fatigue in the dictionary.
Can’t remember where your dictionary is? No problem.
Bionic Fatigue (noun): The excruciating and bone-crushing tiredness found in early pregnancy that is unlike any other fatigue you will experience in your life and that no one but another pregnant woman really understands.
Anyways, for week 7, baby L as s/he has been dubbed is the size of a blueberry, and kicking my butt.

Monday, February 28, 2011

6 Weeks: Sweet Pea

Baby Size: Sweet Pea
How far along? 6 Weeks!
Weight gain/loss: I’m down from last week, but up 1.5 since I found out.
Maternity clothes? No, but I love my scrubs.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I’m sleeping, just not long enough. I’ve been waking up really early,and usually getting up once a night to pee.
Best moment this week? Finding out one of my co-workers was knocked up with me :)
Food cravings: Chocolate milk, beer, and hot wings.
Gender: Last week, I thought boy, this week I’m leaning towards girl.
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? no
What I miss? Beer
What I’m looking forward to: First appointment 2 weeks from today.
Symptoms: I’m getting more and more nauseated, and my boobs hurt. I’ve also got some serious bloat.
Milestones: Another week down, coming out to my mom and MIL

Monday, February 21, 2011

5 Weeks: Appleseed

Weight gain/loss?: +4, but I’m thinking/hoping that that’s all bloat.
Stretch marks?: Not new ones.
Maternity clothes?: No, but I do wear scrubs all week. Hah.
Exhausted.  Going to bed early, sleeping all night except last night I couldn’t sleep and I’m really hoping that this won’t continue.
Best moment this week?: learning that I’m pregnant.
Food cravings?: I haven’t had cravings, but I’ve been especially attracted to the thought of sausage. Weird.
Gender?: No idea, I don’t even have a firm feeling.
Movement?: Nope.
Belly button?: The same
Symptoms?: nausea, exhaustion, bloating, swelling, sore/tender breasts, left shoulder pain (I’ll post on this soon).
What do I miss?: Ice cold beer
What I’m looking forward to this week? Making progress
Milestones?: Finding out I was pregnant, and scheduling first prenatal appointment.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Confessions: Hate

Today is a day just like any other day.  Today, I am one day closer to the rest of my life.  That's not in a pessimistic way.  Just the opposite, I'm one day closer to being able to move forward with my life.  Today, my confession is that I think I hate my job.  Is it sad that I only think I hate my job? Well, there are components of my job that I really like.  I love my patients and having money helps but I feel like I might put up with too much drama to make that worthwhile.  Isn't that a sad state of truth?  I am a therapist and I love helping people, so to help people I have to put up with this crap?  I've always been taught that hating something is wrong.  To make this even worse, I feel like I hate a whole group of people.  It's not any specific group of people though, it's more like the people that have certain personality traits, such as the desire to be better than everyone surrounding them, the specific thought of thinking that your better than other people around you, the desire to make other people feel inferior, the constant put downs, people who tell lies to make themselves look better or  tell lies to avoid confrontation.  This is just a few of the things that I can come up with off the top of my head that just really rub me the wrong way.  The confrontation thing is currently the one that is grinding my gears the most.  I mean, why on earth is it better to tell someone else about your beef with me than just tell me so that I can move past it.  Anyone else feeling that? Is it really a hard concept to grasp?

Also, another gripe right now is nurses.  Not all nurses, I mean I think nurses are a great thing and very important. I just find that sometimes, certain nurses get to "used to" their patients, and then when that patient has a sudden, rapid decline, these certain nurses don't seem to take notice or to think that anything is out of the ordinary, but I just have one quick news flash for these said nurses.... "Your dementia patient might always be a little confused....but right now he is excessively confused, and you know, he might be looking for the light. And if he wants go go towards the light, then that is his choice to make, but if he wants to spend a little more time tormenting CNAs then...let him...don't let him die.....honestly, if it's his time to go, then he will go."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Not So Guilty Pleasure: Clean Sheets

I’m choosing Mondays to use as a happy post.  Things I love.  Things that when I feel, I wish I could hold on to that feeling forever.  Does that make sense?
I LOVE CLEAN SHEETS.  It might be my favorite thing in the whole wide world.  If I had my way, I would probably change the sheets every 2-3 days.  I guess I could have my way, but that sounds like a lot of work.  IN addition to that being a lot of work, I should clarify that right now my husband and I have 2 sets of sheets for our newish king size (AMAZING) bed.  One set is green and satiny, and so smooth and amazing.  The other set is a plum purple and not so satiny and smooth.  Not so amazing.  My current zest for the amazingness of clean sheets has been brought on by putting my green, satiny, smooth sheets on the bed last night with a brand new quilt that my mother in law gave me for Christmas.  Oh it was perfect.
I have to add another blanket because last night was cold.  I don’t really live in a cold area of the country.  I’m a southern girl.  This cold weather has been an adjustment.  I’m not really sure how I feel about it.  I’m realizing that this post is really rambly, but that was kind of the way my day has been going.
Because of that, I’m going to leave you with a tip about clean sheets: Clean sheets are paired best with freshly shaved, lotioned legs and pedicured feet.  This may sound odd coming from me because I am not that kind of girl that gets pedicures all the time, and I am way over due for one.  That’s all for me.
Signing off…..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Blog

Confession 1….I’m a chronic blog starter…..and an equally chronic blog quitter.  It’s not on purpose.  I just have issues deciding exactly how much information to divuldge to the internet public.  I need a sounding board though.  I’m going through some things that I’m just needing to vent about so what better place to vent than a blog.  A secret blog…so shhhhhh…..don’t tell.

About me:
- 24 going on 25 (that number makes my skin crawl)
- Married for one year (12-31-09) to a pretty great husband.
-Masters Degree Aug. 2010. Working as a therapist in  in skilled nursing.  Not my favorite thing ever.  Missing time working with kids (which I never thought I would  want to do.) This is one of my problems that currently needs a sounding board.  Work = Drama.
- Pet Parent.  2 dogs and a cat.