Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The ABC's of Me

I'm really wanting to blog more, but I feel like all coherent thoughts I have are zapped by the end of the day.  I feel like maybe blogging would be easier if people knew more about me, so that's where I'll start.  Simple enough?

The ABC's of me
A.  AGE: 26
B. Bed Size: King
C. Chores I Detest: Is all of them an appropriate answer?  Seriously? Dishes/scrubbing the shower.
D. Dog or Cat Person:  Dog, but we have 2 of each.
E. essential start to my day- DIET COKE, but while pregnant I do try to cut out my use of artificial sweeteners.
F. favorite color- Pink
G. gold or silver- white gold
H. height- 5 foot 9 inches
I. instruments I've played- clarinet
J. job title- Speech Language Pathologist
K. kids-  Hadley and Baby Girl
L. Live: We'll call it Lower Alabama
M.  Mom's Name: Momma ;)
N. Nicknames:  I don't really have one.  My hubs calls me "babe."
O. Overnight hospital stays- I've probably spent 7 nights in the hospital.  One at 34 weeks gestation with Hadley for monitoring, and 3 prior to delivery and 3 post delivery.
P. Pet peeves- I'm pregnant so that pretty much leaves everything.
Q. Quote from a movie-  "Why do tourist even come here? Don't they know that Florida was made for them?" It's from the movie flakes, which wasn't mind blowing or anything.  I just really related to this quote.
 R. Righty or lefty-right
S. Siblings- I have a younger brother.
T. Time you wake up- Usually around 7:00.  My goal on work days is to get ready before Hadley gets up.  I'll post my morning schedule below.
U. Underwear: I used to wear bikini style underwear, but since pregnancy, I dig the boyshorts.
V. Vegetables you don't like- Olives, I'm not big on sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts *gag*.
W.  What makes you run late:  Anything? Everything?  I work in a super flexible job and it doesn't actually matter what time I get to work as long as I show up and do my job, so I'm never late for work.  For social engagements, it's honestly usually poor communications between my husband and myself. An example, my husband has a social engagement at 11:00 A.M. that involves our whole family.  The engagement is fairly flexible in regards to time.  This would be how it went down:  The hubs announces at 10:30 that he's going to take a shower and get ready.  His shower *always* takes 30 minutes or longer.  He denies this fact.  He walks out of the bathroom and asks if Hadley and I are ready to go, but I've been trying to get myself ready and keep a 1 year old out of everything so the answer is no.  Apparently, it is my responsibility to get Hadley ready to go anywhere.   So then myself and Hadley are ready by 11:15 or so, but my pregnant girl self is starving, so we have to stop and get a snack, which gets us to our destination at 11:45 or later.  That's pretty much typical.
X. X-Rays:  I've actually only had dental x-rays and a chest x-ray because I failed a TB screen.  My whole arm turns black when I get a PPD, but I do not have TB.
Y. Yummy food you make:  Pretty much everything I make is awesome ;)
Z. Zoo Animals: giraffes and big cats. Rawr.  My husband and I went to the zoo together while we were still dating.  My husband is a big guy and a gorilla bowed up at him and was following him around.  I was very amused. 

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