Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kitty Kitty

Around here, we are serious about our animals.  Our dogs are our "first kids."  Even though we aren't particularly "cat people,"  we have acquired 2 of them.  We love them.   Today one of our kitty kitties is sick, and I'm not really sure what his outcome is going to be.

Last April/May,  I think I was between 15-17 weeks pregnant.  I was getting my hair done, and we were at my sister-in-law's hair salon.    My husband went outside to get something and he heard a very sweet/sad little cry.  We, being animal lovers,  located the source of the cry.  We saw a tiny little black and white kitten who had leaves and a twig stuck in his eye.  He was very sad.  My husband retrieved him from under the porch, and that day, I knew we had a new pet.

He lived in our utility room in a dog kennel.  We found a vet's office that was open on Saturday.  The vet cleaned his eye, and what do you know, there's an eye in there after all!  He had some vaccinations.  My husband bottle fed him for several weeks.  We were smitten with our kitten.  You know, I just was standing by, because of the baby.

He quickly became one of the fog (that's what we call the pets when they're all following us around the house.)  He made friends with the dogs.

He helped us prep for baby.

He greeted baby when she came home.

A few weeks ago, he started trying to cough something up.  I just assumed that it was a standard hairball.  Today, we noticed that he is very short of breath.  He's not in distress, but his breathing is labored if that makes sense.  I'm not sure what's going to happen.

Prayers are appreciated.

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