Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday Five

1. Sick kids- It's heartbreaking, but both my babies are sick!! Emmalyn has a cough/cold and Hadley has a stomach thing. Pray for us!!

2. Handmade Bows- I'm hooked on on hair bows for the girls and I've started making my own. I'm so excited.

3. I'm doing my first give away! Check it out: Giveaway.

4. Money, money, money- We got our tax return! I think I'm going to use it to pay bills :(

5.  I bought tickets to see my favorite!! Blake Shelton in to bide my time until August.

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Also, I'm aware that I'm posting this on Saturday, but yesterday was CRAZY!!


  1. Hope the kiddos are back to feeling better, soon. And that's what we did with our tax return... a huge relief. =) And... I love Blake Shelton... I know y'all will have a great time! Thanks for linking up!

  2. 1. Poor babies!!! I hate that :(
    2. TAKE PICTURES!!!! I want to see how they turn out!
    3. Love it. I can't wait to do my first giveaway.
    4. Yay for money, boo for bills.
    5. Jealous!

    P.S.- Would love to put your button my blog. Email me and we can swap? Thoughts ?
