Monday, April 15, 2013

Why I Don't Meal Plan

{Alternative Title} The Events That Led to my Kid Eating Greek Yogurt and Sun-chips for Dinner

Please tell me I am not the only person who always has ridiculous series of events on Mondays. We could call them extra manic Mondays?

Well, this week, I picked up my phone as I was getting ready to leave work, and I had about 65 calls from my dear hubby. I also had one text message. The text read, "What time are you leaving work today?" So I called him. No answer. Repeat about 4 times. He finally calls me back and says, "So what's up?" And I respond with "You called me." He tells me he has to go finish moving those limestone blocks.

Remember these?

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Yes, and then he explained to me...never mind, just insert ridiculous family drama here....

So I ask, "Well, what do you want me to do? Pick up the girls? Help move blocks?" He said, "I already have Hadley. I just can't take her with me." Instantly what runs through my head is, "Why did you pick her up if you have something to do?" But what I said was, "Ok, I'll be home soon."

I get to the house, we load up both vehicles, go get a trailer and go back to the scene of the blocks. I stayed there for about an hour, but I helped none because I was chasing Hadley around.

We then discussed dinner. Typically, because Mondays almost always turn into a cluster, and we eat Mexican food. Tonight, with the husband loading limestone, I decided to pick up a rotisserie chicken. Well, the hubs decided that because chicken on the bone grosses me out.

I went to the grocery store and in true Lauren style, I came up with about 20 things I needed.

I left the grocery store and picked Emmalyn up. I then ran to my mom's house to pick up a check, and yes, both my kids did scream and cry the whole way home, thanks for asking.

I get home and Emmalyn is screaming for a bottle and Hadley is stomping around the house throwing toys. No harm, no foul. I fed the screaming kid and let Hadley throw her toys.

As soon as Emmalyn is done, Hadley
Is instantly starving to death. Amazing. I fixed her a small bowl of Greek yogurt to pacify her and set to work fixing dinner.

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And the the bottom fell out. I turned on the water to wash carrots. No water. Seriously, it was like 2 little dribbles.

I walk on to the back porch and say, "Husband!! We have no water pressure," an he answers, "Well, I noticed that the sprinkles weren't working." Again, seriously??

So what do we do? I mean I'm an adult my all definitions of the word. I'm 20-something, married, and have 2 kids. What should I do? I call my dad, of course.

In the mean time, Hadley is still acting like she's about to starve. I give her a handful of sun-chips.

My dad and husband determine that after power outage in the afternoon, the tank on our pump needs to refill. Thank God.

Hadley sees her grandpa and freaks. She screams and cries until he takes her home.

So that is the Monday madness that resulted in my kid eating sun-chips and Greek yogurt for dinner.

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I. Am. Exhausted.

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