Monday, April 15, 2013

Why I've Been an Absentee Blogger

Well, lets start with the obvious, shall we? I've got two amazing daughters. They are fun, beautiful, energetic, happy kids. They are exhausting. And always going.

And usually one of them is commanding attention if I'm trying to do something else. I'm not even talking about sitting down to try and blog. I'm talking about eating, drinking, showering, or laundry. I jump on all chances to eat a meal, while it's hot, with two hands.

I am trying to maintain a household . And I'm a little bit of a control freak. I keep schedules/lists of what needs to be done when. I don't like getting away from my schedule, but it happens. It really has even a hot mess lately because we're in the middle of some renovations.

That leads me to reason number three that I've been an absentee blogger. At 35 weeks pregnant, I decided it would be an amazing idea to rip up all the carpets in our house. Since that started, our house has been constantly in some sort of disarray. Most recently, we replaced the carpet in our living room. The project isn't quite finished so our couch is in the middle of the room and EVERYTHING else is is stuffed in the dining room and room. The flooring for our bedroom is in the kitchen.

I also am in the middle of a purge cycle. What is a purge cycle? We currently have entirely too much stuff. I'm becoming an eBay diva and just hailed 100 items of baby girl clothing to a consignment sale.

I work.

My goal is always to be a better blogger. I love to write. It provides an amazing outlet for me. I want to write about things people want to read about. I am constantly reading and researching what I think people want to read.

Tell me what you want to read! I'm a very open, honest person. I don't really keep secrets, so just ask!

1 comment:

  1. Always love your blog girl, but I TOTALLY GET IT! I can't imagine doing all that you're doing. Somedays, taking care of MYSELF is a challenge! You are doing great. P.S.- Your post on "Life as an SLP" was CRACKING ME UP! Love the updates to the design!
